December 2024
Festival Fotogenia 2023. Screening of the short film 23'23"23ms.
February 2022
DUSK has been released by NØVAK.
April 2021
El otro lado has been released by NØVAK.
November 2019
BRUME has been released by NØVAK.
November 2018
COLLAPSE has been released by NØVAK.
November 2017
Concert at NIU hall.
April 2017
7 DAYS has been released by NØVAK.
June 2016
"The Metaphor Experience as Alternative to Digital Disability" at BR::AC magazine.
October 2015
June 2014
COLLAPSE. SoundCloud.
June 2013
OUTDOOR. SoundCloud.
“EVOCAR” Experimentem amb l’Art. Barcelona, Spain.
June 2009
Nodes de Gràcia, Barcelona, Spain.
April-September 2008
LAboral."Homo Ludens, Ludens. Gijon. Spain.
May-June 2007
12th WRO 07 International Media Art Biennale. Poland.
November 2006
IVEVA 2006. Mexico.
March-October 2006
October 2006
National Museum Art Reina Sofia Center, Madrid.
June 2006
CCCB, Barcelona.
June 2006
Asia House, Barcelona.
May-June 2006
BilbaoArte, Bilbao.
May 2006
Parraga Center, Murcia.
April 2006
Da2 Museum, Salamanca.
April 2006
Vasco Artium Museum, Vitoria.
March-April 2006
Contemporary Art Museum Union Fenosa-MACUF, A Coruña.
March 2006
Government Presidency of Canarias, Tenerife.
October 2005
5th International Festival of Electroacoustic Music of Santiago.
April-July 2005
“Reiterate Actions” Experimentem amb l’Art. Barcelona,
May 2004
“Of Limits” Can Felipa, Barcelona, Spain.
“International Festival of Electroacoustic Music XII Meeting
Point”. Málaga, Madrid, Albacete, Spain.
May 2003
10th WRO 03 International Media Art Biennale. Poland.
April 2003
Open doors at Pompeu Fabra University. Barcelona, Spain.
February 2003
“Fluir” presentation at METRONOM gallery. Barcelona,
October-November 2001
FILE-2001 Festival at Curitiba city. Brazil.
October 2001
ART FUTURA 2001 at Contemporary Cultural Center. Barcelona, Spain.
October 2001
VideA_2001: Audio-visual Festival and New Technologies at “Mercat
de les Flors”. Barcelona, Spain.
September 2001
i3 Orbit/Comdex Basel, Switzerland.
September 2001
CIRCUS 2001: New Synergies in Digital Creativity. Glasgow, United
August 2001
FILE-2001 Festival at the “Museu da Imagem e do Som”.
Sao Paulo, Brazil.
May 2001
2º Visual and Sonorous Festival at Convent de Sant Agustí.
Barcelona, Spain.
May 2001
9th WRO 01 International Media Art Biennale. Poland.
February 2001
Zeppelin; Sonorous Festival at the Contemporary Cultural Center.
Barcelona, Spain.
May 1999
4 Young Route at Premià. Barcelona, Spain. |

The Metaphor Experience as Alternative to Digital Disability. BR::AC, Hipatia Press.
“Starting Research in Interaction Design with Visuals for
Low Functioning PAS Children.” CyberPsychology & Behavior.
Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. publishers, New Rochelle, NY, Vol. 9, No.
2, April. Pag. 218-223. (Several authors)
“Promotion of creative activity in children with severe autism
through visuals.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference
on Interaction Design and Children, IDC2005. ACM SIGCHI, June 8-10,
Boulder, CO.(Several authors)
“MEDIATE: Strategies for Interactive Communication in a Multisensory
Enviroment for Children with Severe Autism.” Formats, 4. Universitat
Pompeu Fabra.(Several authors)
“MEDIATE: An interactive multisensory environment for children
with severe autism and no verbal communication.” Proceedings
of the Third International Workshop on Virtual Rehabilitation (IWVR’04).
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. (Awarded the Biodex Best Paper Award),
2004.(Several authors)

Ph.D. in Fine Arts. Barcelona University.
2010 –2011
Master in Production & Artistic Research. Barcelona University.
1999 –
Master in Digitals Arts at the Audiovisual Institute (IUA) of Pompeu
Fabra University.
July 1999
“Digital Print Postgraduate” by the Barcelona University.
1994 –
Degree in Fine Arts, by the Barcelona University.
1981 – 1993
E.G.B., B.U.P. y C.O.U. at Casp School. |

Since January
1998 until now, arts teacher at Casp School. Barcelona, Spain.
Since May 2001 until February 2004.
Researcher at the European project MEDIATE at the Pompeu Fabra University.
Since October 2000 until June 2002
Pedagogic Coordinator and teacher of I.D.E.C. Postgraduate course:
“Tools and Ideas for internet interaction” at the Pompeu
Fabra University.
July 2001
Pedagogic Coordinator and teacher of I.D.E.C. summer course: “Multimedia
programming for the WWW” of I.D.E.C. of Pompeu Fabra University.
Since April 2001 until September 2001
Teacher of the subject: “Introduction to Photoshop”,
in the Audiovisual Communication Degree at the Pompeu Fabra University.
Since August until January 1998
Assistant of the artist Eulalia Valldosera. |
