"Fragments of Light" is
a series of paintings and drawings, of which I present a selection.
Most of them are made up of horizontal strips of the same shade.
These strips are lighter than the background they are superimposed
upon. These strips, painted in the same colour range, are gradually
illuminated, with the colour changes being more dramatic in some
of the paintings while in others they blend into one another.
Each strip has a series of hues that appear and fade away in a
subtle manner. Strips superimposed on a dark background, railing-like
fragments, hinting at the outside, hidden behind the threshold that
prevents us from converging within.
A railing, a metaphor for perception
itself, a threshold through which we can see what is outside ourselves,
supplanting deep thought and replacing it with doubt, with restlessness,
the multiplicity of the other, which is filtered through the gaps
of light in the railing. This evokes the seduction of the mystery
outside us, veiled appearances emphasised by the geometrical content
in the background which breaks up the composition. Consequently,
one feels uneasiness because we do not know what we are experiencing,
while captivated by the inexplicable immediacy of the instant.