Descent is the model of a installation
by which the user is descending a ramp, the point of view varies,
also the horizon, the user is below the ground line, below the floor
of the space in which the installation is located. The user literally
sinks by a concave path by which the user can ascend or descend
and cross the space from side to side.
The installation space is composed of a white room and a black
marble floor. In the black marble floor opens a trench equidistant
from side walls, the user go down by the concave trench, loses the
room as visual reference, when he is in the lowest point, can see
how he is surrounded by the walls of the trench hole, surrounded
by black marble, and the curvature of the concavity.
The user can’t see the surface
and is sunk in the experience of their own presence. The choice
of black marble material is not random but it affects the staging,
the theatricality of the descend, as well as its design evokes qualities
around the sculpture that contrasts in relation to the proposal
of the installation and the descend itself, a duality that brings
us to transit between two poles, boundary between the proposed and
what it is evoked, increasing and affecting even more illusory experience,
the metaphor intrinsic to the descent.
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