alex sanjurjo rubio
2024 :: 2023 :: 2022 :: 2021 :: 2020 :: 2019 :: 2018 :: 2017 :: 2016 :: 2015 :: 2014 :: 2013 :: 2012 :: 2011 :: 2010 :: 2009 :: 2008 :: 2007 :: 2006 :: 2005 :: 2004 :: 2003 :: 2002 :: 2001


    20021-2 >>  

- Idea, programming, interaction and visual design: Alex Sanjurjo Rubio

Iéximal Jélimite




"Fluir" is an interactive audiovisual installation. The user can interact with 6 different contexts through joystick manipulation.

This installation creates 6 different experience environments. These 6 different contexts, shaped by the context elements and the user interaction, generate permeable experiences between them.

In the different visual and sound contexts the user can experiment with fluid and flowing contexts or, in the opposite sense, with non-fluid contexts. This means that the user can find possible elements that obstruct the flow experience, these elements can be understood as obstructive or as elements that generate a new context and make new experiences possible.

Therefore, it is possible to come back to the same experience several times, or to return to them after a time.


Regarding the user interaction, please consider the joystick you've got in your hand as a powerful tool. You will get a lot of excitement by exploring not only the usual X-Y axes but also the buttons and wheels it has. You are warned that not all the environments you will find in "Fluir" respond to all of the possible controllers, and that the effects that you will get with a given controller in one environment of "Fluir" can be different from the effects that you will get for the same controller in another environment.

"Fluir" is a game that flows between possibilities and impossibilities, so you can experiment with the impossibility of the possibility and with the possibility of the impossibility.




© Alex Sanjurjo Rubio
Registration Number

Viewing/Listening Requirements

"Fluir" has been conceived as an installation with a high-resolution high-sound fidelity wall-projection. In order to achieve that the installation needs the following items:

- One bright LCD XGA projector, with 800 x 600 screen resolution.
- One 2x2 metres white screen for projecting the work onto.
- A Pentium III 1Ghz, 512Mb RAM, CD-Rom player, 350Mb of free space in hard disk, Windows 98 or 2000, DirectX 7 installed. A professional sound card such as Darla, Digi 1, RME or similar, with balanced jack or cannon connectors.
- 200 W/channel audio power amplifier and proper loudspeakers. Alternatively, high-quality powered loudspeakers.
- A Logitech "WingMan Extreme" or similar features model (4 axes, 8 buttons) by another manufacturer.

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