This project is an interactive CD-ROM,
which is the result of an interest in searching for a space of relations
where limits can be experimented within a manner of significance,
limits between contradiction and non-contradiction, limits between
high and low art, between possibility and impossibility, between
credit and discredit, definitely between significance and non-significance,
between communication and non-communication, between interaction
and non-interaction.
In this way we did not want to build an interactive system with
many levers or an interactive system that establishes a user's stereotype
through programming, neither a user interface that would fall in
the simplicity of the essences that the "if", "then",
and "else" offer us.
The result is a total of 16 screens without any link between them.
The connections are the conceptions that arise with their contradictions
as two faces of the same coin.
This aim questions the reception
as contemplation, which pertains to the tradition of the history
of art, and the reception as interaction and game. 16 screens on
which sound is not something anecdotal, or spectacular, so the sound
is understood as a source of knowledge of each screen.
The user can interact in some screens by using the keyboard and
its arrow keys, in others screens the interaction is realised by
the movement of the cursor in the screen, and by pressing the right
button of the mouse. In some cases timing is an important element.
There are screens where interaction does not correspond to the stereotype
that we have about the manipulation of information by the user's
interaction. In these screens the interaction is equal to contemplation,
reflection and meaning, so users cannot modify any of the elements
that appear on the screen.
